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10 Dzhambik Khatokhov

An 11-year-old boy named Dzhambik Khatokhov from Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, weighs 324 pounds, is 5' 2" and sets the world record for the fattest child. He weighed 6 lb. 6 oz at birth,. - a reasonable amount for a baby - but by his first birthday he was more than 28 lbs.
At just three years old, Jambik was lifting weights as heavy as 7 lbs. At four, he had ballooned to 81 lbs, even though he was just 3 ft., 11 in., and at six, he was 157 lbs. Since then Jambik has gained nearly 112 lbs. more on a diet of porridge and ice cream. But his mother Nelya, 42, doesn't share their doctor's concern that, Jambik's weight is dire. "He is just growing -- upwards and outwards," she said. "What can I do about it? This is who he is, this is how God created him." Dzhambik is famous in Russia and has been presented on many Russian TV Shows. He has gained world fame through the U.K. Channel 4 Body Shock series, where he was presented in a series called - "World's Biggest Boy," which was aired on many TV stations around the world.

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